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Sacramento Regional Transit

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Sacramento Regional Transit

Regional Transit Executive Board
President / Buisiness Agent Ralph Niz
Mobile: 916-873-3416
Office: 916- 739-1627

Vice President Crystal Lee McGee
Mobile: 916-821-5587
Office: 916-739-1627

Financial Secretary Gwendolyn Land
Mobile: 916-628-1732
Office: 916-739-1627

Recording Secretary Matthew Lucien
Mobile: 916-591-1210
Office: 916-739-1627

Executive Board Bus #1
Anthony Smith
Mobile: 916-271-5003

Executive Board Bus #2
Joyce Watkins
Mobile: 916-752-0674

Rail Shop Steward
Anthony Land
Mobile: 916-752-7440

Light Rail Steward


Dear Fellow SacRT GO members,
Welcome to ATU 256 and Reional transit!! Please contact your Union officers if you have any questions or concerns.

Elk Grove E-Tran

Exective Board E-Tran
Abby Karavani
Phone: 916-662-1846

E-Tran Shop Steward #1
Ray Harvey
Phone: 916-895-3592

E-Tran Shop Steward #2
Lester Williams
Phone: 916-529-2822